Friday, July 2, 2010

Sophie is allergic to Purple

Sophie Long is a hot property in up and coming improvisers right now. She's currently in Vampire Theatresports, plays regularly with Scared Scriptless and with Panda Smackdown. That's Sophie on the left in the photo below, comforting Linda Calgaro's sad character. Since she's allergic to purple, she had a strong dose of antihistamines straight after this scene. Here's some more on Sophie.

What’s your all time favourite improvised scene that you were in? Why?

Probably my favourite was the first ballet I did, it was a very early scene I did and I was playing with Gary, one of my all time favourite scene partners.  I turned into a goat for some reason. We got a 5 5 5 [3 judges score out of a possible 5 points each] and it was the first time I thought “Oh I might be able to do this”.' It was also a way for me to crowbar my love of dance into a stage performance.

What’s your all time favourite you weren’t in, and why?

That's a hard one, probably one of the first scenes I ever saw at the Late Show featuring the wonderful Louise McManus. She was a morgue attendant. It was hysterical yet very truthful, no gags, amazing mime. It was one of the first scenes I had seen with such a great female performer and it inspired me to give it a go. Sorry if I have embarrassed Louise with that!

Why do you love improvising?

I love being in the moment and the trust and intimacy developed with the other players and the audience. When I am on stage I can let go of all the worries and stress and just react to what is happening. With scripted acting it is a lot harder to get out of my own head. Also with improv you get to be whatever character you want, including men, animals and inanimate objects. We never get to be that silly in real life.

What’s your favourite colour (after pink)?

I finally have one, I could never answer that question. It is teal. I tried to wear purple recently after a ten year ban and I got a rash. I am allergic to purple. 

What’s your favourite fruit and why?

Mango. The question is why that would NOT be anyone's favourite. 

What’s your porn name? (first pet + first street you ever lived in)

I write under that pseudonym so it must remain private. Sorry.

What’s your ambition for pink ladies?

To have fun and give audiences a fun experience. And to raise money.  

Favourite word?

Expletive deleted.